Properly handling diabetes can be difficult, especially if you do not know a lot about it. There are certain foods that you should eat, medicine that you may need to take and an exercise regimen that you may need to follow. The following tips can help you learn how to live a healthy and functioning life, even if you have diabetes.

Hey there, Diabetics! Have you ever thought of turning your burger inside out? Well, not exactly, but putting the lettuce on the outside will get rid of that carbohydrate-laced bun and increase the amount of vegetables you’re eating. Replace the hamburger with a lentil patty for an even healthier treat!

If you want a fun way to exercise, take your kids to the park! You can play a game of soccer or basketball, or just chase them around on the playground. Tennis is also fun and you can play with kids of any age. Pick something they enjoy and you’ll enjoy it, too!

There are many Diabetic communities throughout the nation, so ask your doctor to find one nearby for you to visit. You’ll find that the people who attend have great tips and tricks that they’re using, and the medical personnel who attend can answer all of your questions. They’re all in the same boat as you and are there to support you in your journey!

Don’t use alcohol swabs on your skin before you give yourself an injection of insulin. They will dry out your skin and cause you more trouble than they’re worth, which will make you even less happy about having to take your treatment. As long as you clean your skin with soap and water, you should be fine.

If you suffer from diabetes or are at risk of developing the disease, it is a good idea to eat a diet that is high in fiber. Fiber, which is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans prevents diabetes by buffering the sugar or carbohydrates in your diet, keeping your blood sugar even instead of having it fluctuate.

Take the stress out of diabetes management by developing more consistent habits. Keep all of your equipment in the same spot at home and at work, so that you always know where to find your treatments in an emergency. Consistent testing should be a routine part of your day in order to avoid forgetfulness in recording your insulin levels.

Check your blood sugar before you go to bed, and if it’s low, bring it up with a quick snack. This allows you to ensure that your levels are steady throughout the night. Otherwise, your levels might drop in the middle of the night, causing you to wake up with sweats and disorientation.

Treat yourself to a leg and foot massage once in a while to keep your circulation pumping. Diabetes causes peripheral neuropathy, which can be painful and not reversible. Have your spouse put some lotion on your calves and give you a soothing rub to relieve your stress and help your feet stay healthy.

Get familiar with the glycemic index rating of foods to help gain better control of your diabetes. It is important to learn to recognize high glycemic foods like breads, fruit juices, cereals, pasta and rice. Eating more vegetables, lean proteins and other low glycemic index foods keeps your blood sugar from spiking after meals.

If you’re having trouble keeping yourself to a healthy Diabetic diet, don’t change things up. Have a chicken night, a fish night, a lentil burger night, etc. so that you know what’s supposed to happen on Thursday and can prepare for it. If you have something different every night you’ll still have variation, but having a schedule will make you feel much less stress and you won’t cave into temptation.

If you’re looking to help balance your blood sugar levels, eat more whole grain foods. While no one is completely certain why it works, research indicates that whole grains are good for maintaining healthy blood sugar and also for reducing a person’s risk of developing diabetes. An easy way to include more whole grains in your diet is to switch at least half the grain products you eat — like pasta and bread — to whole grain versions.

When you are a diabetic there is an increased risk that you will develop some sort of gum disease. Making regular appointments at the dentist and following his suggestions on proper oral hygiene will ensure that you will stay healthy in that regard. Proper flossing and brushing are essential parts of a daily routine.

Diabetics should constantly work to avoid dehydration. There are many things to keep in mind to prevent from getting dehydrated. Such things to keep in mind are: avoid beverages filled with caffeine, drink plenty of water when exercising and drink 1 ounce of water for every 2.5 pounds of your body weight. Working to keep yourself hydrated keeps you healthy as a diabetic and as an individual.

If you’re a diabetic looking for a snack, make sure to choose something with 150 calories or less. Snacks have a tendency to make you go overboard and replace a full meal. Make sure you are truly hungry when you are reaching for a snack and not just using it as a boredom buster.

If you have diabetes, it is extremely important to care for your feet on a daily basis. By doing so, you can detect any problems before they become serious. Nerve damage can cause a small wound to go undetected. It is very easy for wounds on the feet to develop infections, which can lead to gangrene if left untreated. Wash and dry your feet carefully every day, keeping an eye out for any cuts or scratches that don’t seem to be healing. Also look for signs of inflammation, such as redness or swelling, and black or blue areas that appear to be bruised, which can be a sign of poor blood flow.

Now that you know some tips for living with diabetes, you should be able to live a fulfilled life, while still staying as healthy as possible. It may be tough at times but it is important to follow the tips provided, so that you can control your diabetes symptoms, rather than have them control your life.