Better healthy eating habits evolve with a controlled tongue, sounds very abstract, but it is. Try taking out your tongue with a neutral movement, you will find that the tongue tends to go up, defying the universal gravitational force; unless you force it downwards, For those of you trying this at this moment, It actually works, Yes, our tongue is controlled by mind and brain.

Our ability to taste come from tiny molecules released when we chew, drink or digest food; these molecules stimulate special sensory cells in the mouth called gustatory cells which are clustered within the taste buds.

Do we know when does these taste buds develop in our body? When the foetus is just 13-15 weeks old, it can taste different flavours from the mother’s diet. Interestingly, this exposure to the baby in womb inside the uterus via amniotic fluid has a lot of influence on the eating habits of the child when he/she grows up. Also the child’s age wise stage within 6 month to 1 year is very critical in terms of food exposure and development of taste buds. During this time the child recognises taste, texture and appearance of food. If you wisely invest your time during this period in developing good eating habits in your child, then you will carve out yourself from the category of these 8 out of the 10 mothers, who always complain about fussy eating habits of their child.

Once the child attains an age of 2 years, he/she has already developed his/her taste buds. Generally after this age every effort of the parent, to find the right track goes belated… and in vain. So if you want to inculcate healthy eating habits, start early. There is another interesting fact about these taste buds; a child is born with about 10,000 taste buds, but this numerical quantity decreases with the growing age by the time we reach an age of 50, it decreases down to a mere 40 -50 taste buds alive in women and 50-60 in men. And it is where we become so stubborn with our food habits with the age of 50s setting in.

As it is, it’s daily affair that food preparation which is served on platter, on the dining table is decided on the basis of our taste buds, that’s why it’s Everyday Decision Vacuum Syndrome, ‘What is the food today?’ ‘What to prepare?’ and the answer is there in our mind; forced by our taste buds.

It’s not the nutritional value but our convenience and taste that makes us decide our eating practice, and it percolates down as our habit of eating; i.e. as per our likings and not as per our metabolic requirement.

Somewhere the tongue, hence needs to be controlled by our mind Overall controlling our tongue can make a difference i.e. a disciplined tongue or minding our tongue can do great favours to ourselves in getting absolved in binge eating habits and thus making us healthier, fitter and better

Just a food for thought.